5 Exercise for Pregnancy - How To Do It Right

Being pregnant is no excuse for not working out. In fact, working out is beneficial for both you and your growing baby. Not only does exercise help keep you trim, toned, and fit, but it also helps reduce your risk of a number of pregnancy complications, including low blood pressure, gestational diabetes, pregnancy anxiety and sciatic nerve pain.

These three fun and effective workouts will have you feeling fit and fabulous, regardless of your current or fluctuating fitness level. Pregnancy doesn’t mean you have to give up being active!

exercise for pregnancy

1. Walk or Jog

Walk or jog for 30 minutes, three times a week. If you’re pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant, it’s important to keep your heart rate elevated to minimize blood pressure drop. Exercise at a pace that’s comfortable for you and your growing belly, but make sure you’re getting adequate cardiovascular exercise.

Jogging is especially beneficial during pregnancy because it helps builds muscle, which increases blood flow and baby nourishment.

2. Take a dance class

Dance like you’re pregnant. A creative and energizing class can burn calories and help you feel empowered. Peruse through local dance studios in your area and choose a class that matches your energy level and your growing belly.

Dance has many benefits for both you and your baby. It improves your heart rate and blood pressure, which lowers the risk of a number of pregnancy conditions. It also increases muscle tone and flexibility, which can help ease aches and pains.

3. Water exercise

Water exercise is swimming. Water exercise helps you relax and soothes aches and pains. It also helps prevent varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and other complications related to hormonal imbalance.

Swim or perform aqua rehab for 20 minutes, five times a week.

Water exercises are especially beneficial during pregnancy because they provide excellent upper body and core strength. You can also expect to experience less fatigue and decreased joint pain.

4. Yoga

Yoga can help you relax and stay connected to yourself. It’s also a great way to build flexibility and strength. Yoga can help you focus on your breathing, calm your nerves, and relax your muscles.

Perform a gentle yoga sequence for 15 minutes, five times a week.

Yoga sequences can be geared specifically towards pregnancy needs, such as increasing energy and reducing fatigue.

5. Ballerina Bars

Barre exercises help build flexibility and strength in your core, which can help prevent back pain. Perform barre exercises for 20 minutes, three times a week.

Barre exercises can also help with varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and other pregnancy-related muscle and joint conditions.


Pregnancy doesn’t mean you have to give up being active. These five fun and effective workouts will have you feeling fit and fabulous, regardless of your current or fluctuating fitness level.


Exercise during pregnancy is beneficial for you, your growing baby, and your health provider. Also its one of the best ways to avoid Pregnancy Anxiety and control it.

If you’re new to working out and/or are less active, consult your doctor before starting an exercise routine.

If you currently work out, don’t be afraid to bump up your intensity. A pregnant woman shouldn’t avoid intense physical activities, as long as you avoid those that are high risk or too strenuous for your current level of fitness.


Working out during pregnancy can help you feel empowered, relaxed, and focused. These five workouts are a great place to start.


If you are in your first pregnancy trimester check out those exercises for the first trimester

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