The Truth About Panic Attacks: Pregnancy Anxiety and What You Can Do

Panic attacks are a common symptom of anxiety. They’re unexpected and sudden and often leave you feeling like you’re losing control. But what are panic attacks exactly? And are they something new that only pregnant women experience? In this article, we will go over everything you need to know about panic attacks during pregnancy, including their symptoms, triggers, and how to manage them.

We are going to discuss

  • What is Panic attack?
  • How common are panic attacks while pregnancy? 
  • What causes panic attacks during pregnancy? 
  • How to manage panic attacks during pregnancy? 
  • 3 Steps to help you manage panic attacks and anxiety during pregnancy
  • Does anxiety affect my baby?
  • How can I prevent anxiety in my pregnancy?
Pregnancy Anxiety

What is a Panic Attack?

Panic attacks are sudden feelings of extreme fear and anxiety that seem to come out of nowhere. They aren’t dangerous in and of themselves, but they can lead to other problems if you don’t deal with them. People who have panic attacks often have other anxiety disorders as well. When you suffer from panic attacks, you’re typically suffering from a combination of things, including genetics, low serotonin levels, and high cortisol levels. In pregnancy, panic attacks are common, affecting around 50% of pregnant women. They’re experienced by women of all ages, regardless of whether they’ve been pregnant before. They can happen at any time, but are most common between the weeks 16 and 26 of pregnancy, as well as during the postpartum period.

How Common Are Panic Attacks During Pregnancy?

As mentioned above, panic attacks are extremely common during pregnancy. According to research, approximately 3 in every 10 pregnant women will experience panic attacks during their pregnancy. This number can increase if the mother has a history of anxiety disorders, is currently suffering from an anxiety disorder, or if there are other stressors present in their lives, such as financial problems or relationship issues. Typically, panic attacks during pregnancy occur during the second trimester, although they can happen at any time during your pregnancy.

What Causes Panic Attacks During Pregnancy?

There are a number of factors that could cause you to experience panic attacks during pregnancy. It’s important to understand what these factors are so you can make the necessary changes in your life to stop them from occurring. 

This way, you can be prepared for the upcoming changes your body will go through during pregnancy and know how to deal with them. 

  • Genetics – You may have inherited a tendency towards anxiety from your parents, which means you’re more likely to experience anxiety during your pregnancy.
  •  Anxiety Disorders – If you’re currently suffering from an anxiety disorder, you’re much more likely to experience panic attacks during your pregnancy. 
  • Hormonal Changes – During pregnancy, your hormones are extremely unstable. This uncertain environment can make you more susceptible to anxiety and panic attacks. 
  • Stressors – If you’re currently experiencing a lot of stress in your life, you’re more likely to experience anxiety. 
  • Worrying – Pregnant women are more likely to worry about all the changes their bodies are going through. If you’re constantly thinking about how your body is changing, you’re more likely to experience anxiety.
panic attacks in pregnancy

How to Manage Panic Attacks During Pregnancy?

Managing panic attacks during pregnancy is crucial to your overall health and well-being. You’re not alone though, as most women will experience anxiety and panic attacks during their pregnancy. 

  • Educate Yourself – The first and most important thing you can do to help manage your anxiety and panic attacks is knowledge. Make sure you’re educated about the changes your body is going through so you can be prepared for them.
  • Practice Deep Breathing – Sit down in a quiet, dark room, and practice deep breathing. Focus on slowing your breathing down, and try to clear your mind as you do so. This helps to reduce the level of cortisol in your body, which can help reduce your anxiety levels.
  • Write Down Your Fears – If you’re constantly worrying about the changes your body is going through, make sure to write them down. This helps to clear your mind and keep your worries from consuming you.
  • Exercise – Exercising is one of the best things you can do during your pregnancy to help manage anxiety and panic attacks. Make sure to exercise no more than three times a week though, as too much exercise can also increase your anxiety levels.

3 Step Plan to Help You Manage Your Anxiety and Stop the Panic Attacks

Almost all anxiety disorders can be treated. The most important thing is to get help.

  1. Find a Support Group – Many communities have support groups where you can meet other women who are experiencing anxiety and panic attacks during their pregnancy. This can be a great way to get support, share your experiences, and learn from others.
  2. Take a Long, Hot Bath – Soothing your anxiety and panic attacks away with a warm bath is one of the oldest and most effective ways to do so. Make sure to add some lavender essential oils to your bath water to help calm your senses even further.
  3. Get Enough Sleep – Sleep is a crucial part of managing your anxiety and panic attacks. Make sure to get at least seven hours of sleep each night to help lower your anxiety levels and keep your body healthy.

Does anxiety affect my baby?

Being concerned about whether jealousy affects your baby seems understandable but it can create a vicious circle of thoughts, You might have been worried before even pregnant & then started worrying that this was affecting your unborn child which made the worries worse, Keep focusing on asking for help finding ways to manage any symptoms

How can I prevent anxiety in pregnancy?

Anxiety during pregnancy is a very common occurrence. Fortunately, there are numerous things you can do to help yourself manage anxiety or prevent it from happening in the first place.

​​Talk to someone you trust, such as your partner, family, or friend about how you’re feeling. 

Try not to feel guilty and embarrassed- these feelings are not your fault. Acknowledge that being stressed is part of life and all people experience it at some point! 

It might also be a good idea for those who feel anxious during their pregnancy to try some of those tips.

  • Exercising
  • Eating well
  • Avoiding caffeine
  • Avoid smoking 
  • Avoid drinking alcohol

(Specialy Smoking and alcohol because both substances could harm them or cause birth defects).

Another thing that may work is learning about relaxation techniques so that such exercises can become second nature for individuals when they start experiencing symptoms of stress again.


This article has taught you everything you need to know about panic attacks during pregnancy. Most importantly, you now know that you’re not alone and that you can treat and manage these attacks. Make sure to educate yourself, practice deep breathing, write down your fears, and get enough sleep to help lower your anxiety levels. Most importantly, don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed by your anxiety.

Remember, you’re pregnant and this is completely normal. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be able to manage your anxiety and stop the panic attacks before they even start.

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