Miku Pro Smart Baby Monitor Full review

The Miku Pro Smart baby monitor has been designed to be as easy to set up as possible. It comes with everything you need to start monitoring your child right away.

This smart baby monitor features an intuitive interface that makes it simple to use. It also offers many useful features, including remote viewing, sound activation, and motion detection.


Setup and Connecting the Monitor.

The Miku Pro monitors your baby’s room using two cameras. One camera is located at the top of the unit, while the other is positioned near the bottom. These cameras allow you to see what’s happening in both rooms simultaneously. You can even view the live feed on your smartphone or tablet.

Setting Up the Camera.

To use the Miku Pro, simply plug it into an outlet and connect the included power cord. Then, place the camera where you want to watch your baby. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to download the free app onto your phone or tablet. This will let you control the camera remotely.

Using the App.

You can also use the app to adjust the settings of the camera. For instance, you can choose whether you want to see only audio or both audio and video when watching your baby. You can even turn off the microphone so that your baby won’t hear any sounds while sleeping.


If you encounter any issues with the device, you can contact the company directly via email or phone. They will respond within 24 hours.

Setup is easy

This product is very simple to use. All you need to do is plug it into an outlet and connect it to Wi-Fi. Then you just need to download the app onto your smartphone and follow the instructions.


Miku Pro Pros:

  1. Easy to Use: The interface is very user-friendly, making it easy for even novice users to use.
  2. Many Useful Features: The smart baby monitor features a wide range of useful features, including remote viewing, sound activation, and motion detection.
  3. Affordable Price Tag: Compared to other baby monitors on the market, the price is relatively affordable.

Miku pro Cons

  1. False Alarms: Some users have reported that the smart baby monitor has repeatedly sent false alarms, sometimes for no apparent reason.
  2. Inflexible Scheduling: The camera can only be activated when its parent unit is within range, which may not be convenient if you’re out of the house or if your child spends a lot of time sleeping away from home. 
  3. Limited Features: While the smart baby monitor offers many useful features, it does not offer all that is available in more expensive models. For example, it does not have sound activation or motion detection capabilities.
  4. Trivial Security Risks: Many parents feel uncomfortable leaving their child unsupervised with a device like this because there is a danger of hacking into the device and watching their child without their knowledge or consent.

Can Miku pro baby monitor pair with Amazon Alexa or Google Home?

Right now Miku pro can’t pair with amazon Alexa or Google home, but they mention on the official site that they are working on this feature to be available soon. It can be live anytime from now.

Is Miku pro baby monitor worth buying? 

There is no definite answer to this question as it largely depends on your individual needs and preferences. However, if you are looking for a baby monitor that can provide you with detailed information about your child’s activities and health, then Miku pro may be a good option for you. This monitor is equipped with a number of features that will help you keep track of your child’s wellbeing, including a nightlight and lullabies. Additionally, the built-in microphone and speaker will allow you to easily hear what is happening in the room.

How does miku pro smart baby monitor detect breathing?

Miku Pro smart baby monitor uses a variety of sensors to detect breathing. The primary sensor is a microphone that listens for breathing sounds. If it detects a breathing sound, the monitor will determine whether the sound is coming from the baby or from the parent or guardian.

Miku baby monitor reviews

Regarding reviews and feedback, there are many reviews online on multiple sites like Bestbuy, and Amazon, but We couldn’t find many verified feedback and reviews. 

Check out our top 7 smart baby monitors and the review between miku vs nanit

Does Miku pro need a subscription?

Miku’s smart baby monitor is more expensive than other monitors, but the price seems more reasonable given the technology built into it. And there are no joining or annual fees. Pay once and get access to apps and upgrades as they become available.

Is Miku can get hacked?

Miku is secure with 256-bit encryption. According to Miku’s official website, you can rest assured that you are the only one who has access to your baby’s videos, as they cannot be hacked.

How does Miku Pro work?

Miku Pro Smart Baby Monitor’s exclusive SensorFusion technology combines optical and wireless detection with advanced signal processing to extract respiratory waveforms, motion detection, audio detection, and baby room conditions. SensorFusion creates awareness and insights for parents that were previously not possible.

Will Miku work without WiFi?

Works without many cables or extra breath trackers. It also works perfectly locally without an internet connection, keeping your baby’s personal information safe and private.

Is Mikupro accurate?

For those wondering how accurate respiration monitoring is, Miku technology has been validated in IRB-approved clinical studies and has been compared to warned medical devices and found to be just as accurate.

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