Exercise During First Trimester of Pregnancy – What Can I Do?

Exercise in pregnancy in the first trimester can be a challenging time for many women. Nausea, exhaustion, and other unpleasant symptoms are not pleasant, and it’s hard to know what the right kind of activity is.

  • What activities are safe?
  • How much exercise do you need?
  • Are there any special precautions to take?
  • Should you avoid certain activities?
  • Is it even worth your while to exercise in your first trimester?

Fortunately, the answer to last question is yes! Getting enough physical activity during pregnancy is important for maintaining your health, reducing the risk of complications, and helping you get ready for the upcoming challenges of carrying a baby and giving birth.

Read on for some tips on how and when to exercise in pregnancy first Trimester.

exercise in pregnancy

What is the benefit of exercising in your first trimester?

All is not lost if you find the first trimester challenging. Physical activity has been shown to be beneficial in so many ways. If you are feeling unwell, it can help you feel better by reducing nausea and helping you sleep better.

It can also help you avoid gaining excess weight. Depending on where you are in your pregnancy, it can reduce your risk of gestational diabetes. It can also help you avoid blood clots, reduce your risk of preterm labor, and make it easier to have a natural birth. Exercising during pregnancy is not only good for you, but it also helps prepare your body for what’s to come.

How much exercise do you need in your first trimester?

As with most things during your first trimester, it’s best to proceed with caution and not to push too hard. However, it’s also important to not let your symptoms get the better of you.

Exercising enough during this time is important for a couple of reasonsm but mainly

  • First, it can help you avoid gaining too much weight. In the first trimester, you want to avoid gaining as much weight as possible. This is because your body hasn’t yet adapted to the extra weight, so it’s more likely to put the weight on as fat. First trimester weight gain is often seen as excessive by healthcare professionals, so it’s important to maintain your regular activity levels. Exercising at this time can also help maintain your overall health.

Which activities are safe during pregnancy?

Exercising during pregnancy is important, but you have to be careful of certain activities. Exercises that involve a high-impact such as running, high-impact aerobics (e.g. step aerobic or high-impact yoga), and certain types of weight-lifting are not safe during pregnancy.

Playing certain sports such as soccer or rugby, or contact sports like basketball or squash are also not advisable due to the risk of a fall. Certain types of yoga are safe, but make sure to avoid poses that involve lying on your back. It’s also important to not exercise so long that you become overheated.

Which activities are not safe during pregnancy?

These include any activities that involve a high-impact, contact sports, and exercises that involve lying on your back.

Exercises that involve lying on your back include things like pilates (the mat is an alternative to using the floor), abdominal exercises, and even certain types of yoga positions. A high-impact sport is one where there is a risk of falling. This can include sports like basketball and volleyball, where there is a risk of your bump coming into contact with other players. Exercises that involve lying on your back can increase the amount of pressure put on the veins in your back. This can increase the risk of blood clots developing. Exercises that involve a high impact might lead to you over-tiring, which can put you at risk of a fall.

exercise with pregnancy

Is it worth your time to exercise in your first trimester?

Exercising during your first pregnancy is a great way to help you feel better and avoid gaining too much weight. It is also important for helping you get ready for the challenges you’ll face in the second trimester. You can expect your symptoms during the second trimester to be slightly worse than the first. Your bump will be bigger and heavier, making physical activity more challenging. You’ll also likely be experiencing heartburn and cramps, which can make exercising uncomfortable. Exercising during your first trimester can prepare your body for what’s to come. It can help you avoid gaining too much weight and can help you feel better. Exercising during the first trimester can also help you prepare for later on. Exercising regularly for at least 6 to 8 weeks will help you build muscle strength and endurance. This can help you with all of the lifting and carrying you’ll have to do in the second and third trimesters.

Should you modify the types of activities you usually enjoy?

Depending on the type of exercise you usually enjoy, it might be a good idea to modify it. Exercises that involve lying on your back while exercising are best avoided. Exercises, where you hold your legs up in the air, are also best avoided, as this can put pressure on your pelvic area and lead to cramps. Exercises that involve abdominal work done on your back are better off avoided completely. Exercises that involve excessive lifting and carrying should be modified according to the recommendations of your healthcare professional. Exercises that involve a high impact should be avoided completely.


Overall, exercise in pregnancy is important to proceed with caution during your first trimester. Exercising during this time can help you avoid gaining too much weight and can help you feel better.

It can also help you get ready for the challenges that you’ll face in the second trimester. Exercising is most effective if you start early in your first trimester. You should aim to gradually increase the amount of exercise you do as your pregnancy progresses.

Exercising during the first trimester can help prepare your body for later on. It can help you build muscle strength and endurance, which can come in handy throughout the rest of your pregnancy. Exercising during your first trimester can help you avoid gaining too much weight and can help you feel better.

It can also help you get ready for the challenges that you’ll face in your second trimester.

Also, check out those 6 types of exercise for pregnancy you better do

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