14 Tips for Resolving Siblings Rivalry

It can be difficult to know how to handle siblings rivalry. These two siblings can be as close as any other siblings and then suddenly, one of them does something that drives the other one up the wall, Siblings that fight always.

It’s easy to feel threatened and resentful when your baby sibling seems to get all the love and attention. You may older sibling jealous of your younger sibling the older sibling may try to drive you crazy with endless games and endless requests for help.

You may try to ignore it at first and hope it goes away. But it’ll probably get worse before it gets better, jealousy with siblings is one of the worst things between siblings that you need to avoid.

If you’re stuck in this kind of sibling rivalry, here are some helpful tips on how to get through it.

siblings rivalry

1. Model healthy behavior

It’s important to set a good example for your kids. And the best way to do that is to be happy and relaxed with who you are. Don’t try to act like somebody you aren’t.

If you’re always on the defense, stressing the importance of “not doing that” or “not saying that,” your kids are going to pick up on that and it’s going to make them feel bad. Your words don’t have to be harsh or mean-spirited to set a boundary.

Try to be patient with your kids. They don’t know how you’re feeling and they don’t know how you’d like to be treated.

2. Talk to your kids

Sometimes, all you have to do is talk. Yes, really.

Keep it calm and don’t raise your voice. Try to re-frame the way you talk to your kids.  Say things like, “I really like it when you play with your toys,” or “ I hate it when you ask for help all the time.”

Empathy is a powerful tool. If you show your kids that you understand how they feel, they’re going to feel a lot more at ease when they do something that drives you nuts.

3. Let your child know you see them

Sometimes, all your little siblings really want is to be acknowledged. They don’t need a constant reminder (even though you might want to give them one!).

Make a point of saying hi to your siblings every day. Tell your kids that you see them when you say hi and goodbye.  Take the time to acknowledge their existence and share some positive attention.

Remember, your child doesn’t need your attention every second of the day. Give them a brief hello every now and then and it’ll make a world of difference.

4. Let your Kid know you care

Sometimes all your little siblings want is to be reminded that they are loved. Again, this doesn’t mean you have to go overboard with the affection.

Write a note. Send a card. Take a picture.  Let your siblings know you care by showing them through your actions.

As difficult as it is, tries to avoid yelling at siblings rivalry. You don’t need to raise your voice when you have perfectly good words for it.

Remember, kids, are more likely to listen when you’re calm and when you’re negotiating from a position of strength.

5. Be present and involved in your child’s life

Sometimes, all your child wants is your company. They don’t need you to entertain them or solve their problems.

If you’re always on the go, try to make time for meals with your kids. Spend some time together and talk.

If you’re always rushing off to other things, try to fit in a few minutes of playtime before you leave. Take your child on a quick walk or play a game of tag.

6. Be Fair

No parent can be perfectly fair at all times, but it certainly helps when you are giving it your best shot. If you are favoring one child over another, the sibling with the short end of the stick will be bitter, and the child being favored will rub it in.

Assure your children by your actions that you will be doing your best to parent in a fair and consistent manner. This will give your children the confidence to know you are always looking out for each of them, and not at the expense of the others.

7. Don’t Encourage Victimhood

If one of your children is being treated wrongly by a sibling and needs help, be there for them! However, if you have a child who is constantly crying for help but you realize they are just enjoying the attention- lay low. Don’t allow any of your children to fall into the trap of victimhood because this will not serve them in life.

Your job as their parent should not only be to rescue him (or her) when he’s faced with difficulties from his siblings or other people – it should also empower him so that he can take care of himself too. This way, no potential personal problems arise from your child feeling like he needs sympathy from you whenever arguing with another family member about something stupid like bedtime routine or what TV show to watch next. 

More Siblings Rivalry Tips to solve it

If you’ve been stuck in a cycle of sibling rivalry and you’re not sure how to break it, consider seeking help. A professional can help you identify what issues are causing the rivalry and work on ways to diffuse the tension.

If you’re looking for advice on how to handle siblings rivalry, consider these 7 other tips:

    1. Practice mindfulness when interacting with your younger siblings.
    2. Remember that your younger siblings are still developing. Don’t push them too hard or take things too seriously.
    3. Challenge your younger siblings to a game or competition. This will give you both something to focus on and will help them to feel good about themselves.
    4. Practice being patient with your younger siblings.
    5. Set a good example for your younger siblings.
    6. As difficult as it is, tries to avoid yelling at your kids. You don’t need to raise your voice when you have perfectly good words for it. Remember, kids, are more likely to listen when you’re calm and when you’re negotiating from a position of strength.
    7. Be present and involved in your child’s life.

If you’ve been stuck in a cycle of sibling rivalry and you’re not sure how to break it, consider seeking help. A professional can help you identify what issues are causing the rivalry and work on ways to diffuse the tension. 

Also, you can check out the article “How To Stop Siblings Fightings?” That will help you a lot to control Siblings fighting 

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