7 Pregnancy first month Symptoms You Might Miss

The Pregnancy first month Symptoms might seem like a blur. Your body has been through major changes, so all of the little signs of pregnancy might go unnoticed.

However, as you venture out into the world of daily activities, you might notice these little signs of pregnancy more often. Here are some of the most common ones that you might miss in the first month of your pregnancy.

pregnancy first month symptoms

7 Signs of Pregnancy You Might Miss in the First Month

1. The Tingling Feeling

The most common sign of pregnancy is the tingling sensation you might feel in your hands, feet, face, or lips. A pregnancy symptom that you might miss is the itching of the skin. This might be due to breakouts or hormonal changes. To diagnose a pregnancy, check if you are getting these pregnancy symptoms and see what your doctor says. If you want to be extra sure, get a pregnancy test kit that’s available in stores.

2. Smell Changes

If your nose is running more often or if you have a sweet-ish smell, this is a sign of pregnancy. You might have a few more morning sickness symptoms than others, so you might be wondering why this happens. The increase in hormones can cause a change in your body’s ability to digest food and excrete waste. Your sense of smell is now more sensitive, so you might be experiencing more of the extra puke throughout the day.

3. Morning Sickness

Morning sickness symptoms are extremely common and can occur in the first trimester. These symptoms are caused by your body’s response to the extra hCG hormones. The nausea is a sign that the placenta is stimulating your appetite. If you’re experiencing nausea that doesn’t go away by the end of the day, you can get medication from your doctor.

4. Your Stomach Is Rounder

When you feel your stomach, you might notice that it is a little rounder than usual. This is because the baby has been moving around inside of you and has caused the intestines to stretch. You might not have any other symptoms of pregnancy, but you can take comfort in the fact that your body is preparing for the baby. You can also feel the baby move at around 20 weeks of gestation.

5. Baby’s Size Shifts

As your body grows, your baby’s size shifts as well. The best way to know this is by feeling the baby move in your womb. You might feel the baby kick more often or feel a little flutter. This is another sign of pregnancy that you might miss.

6. Hair and Nail Growth

It’s common to get a few strands of hair in the shower or a few new hairs growing on your nails, but it’s not common for hair to grow on your palms or for nails to grow. It’s also not common for your nails to grow longer, especially if they’re not your dominant hand. This is normal and is another sign of pregnancy.

7. New Symptom: Heartburn

Heartburn is a common pregnancy symptom and one that you might miss. You might have some acidic stomach puke that is causing a burning sensation in your chest. This symptom might occur more often than usual and disappear by itself. Or, you might want to talk to your doctor and get medication to relieve the burning sensation.

6 Tips for Pregnancy First Month

While the first month of pregnancy might be a blur, you can take comfort in the fact that you’re pregnant. With that said, here are a few things you can do to make this a better time for you and your baby.

  • Take a pregnancy test, Don’t be shy about taking a test and seeing what it says. This can help you feel more confident.
  • Go to prenatal classes, Going to prenatal classes can help you feel less anxious and more prepared for the changes that your body is going through.
  • Talk to a support group, Involving other pregnant women in your experience can help you feel less alone in this time.
  • Eat a healthy diet, Make sure that you have a healthy diet and avoid sugary and fatty foods.
  • Get enough sleep and take naps when you need them.
  • Be as active as possible. This will help you avoid back pain and prevent any other issues that might occur.

Bottom Line

The first month of pregnancy might seem like a blur, but it is not uncommon to notice some of the signs of pregnancy. Don’t miss out on any of the pregnancy symptoms that are occurring in this time of your life.

7 Pregnancy Symptoms First Week

To avoid the hassle and drama of unwanted pregnancy, it is best for all sexually active women to become responsible enough to engage in safe sex and of course, to become aware of the early signs of pregnancy.

The following are the other seven pregnancy Symptoms you may feel first week:

  • Light to moderate spotting generally occurs before a woman’s menstrual period begins.
  • Increased body temperature sudden increase in body temperature is also one of the most frequently missed signs of pregnancy among women.
  • Nausea: Nausea or morning sickness is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. This basically happens during the first to two weeks of pregnancy.
  • Missed period A missed period is probably the most obvious indication that a woman is pregnant.
  • Frequent urination A pregnant woman may not notice her frequent trips to the comfort room
  • Tender breasts and nipples Tender and swollen breasts and nipples are signs of menstrual bleeding, but these can also be indications that a woman might be pregnant.
  • Exhaustion or fatigue A sudden feeling of fatigue or exhaustion is also one of the early signs of pregnancy.

How Many Pregnancy Weeks? 

A pregnancy lasts 40 weeks (or 280 days). The first day of your last menstrual period is used to calculate your due date (even though most pregnancies are not conceived until two weeks later). It’s important to remember that only approximately 30% of pregnancies make it to week 40. Watch this video below from baby center to see Pregnancy weeks

How Pregnancy Weeks are Calculated? 

The first day of the final period, Because most pregnancies last approximately 40 weeks (or 38 weeks from conception), counting 40 weeks (or 280 days) from the first day of your last menstrual cycle is usually the best approach to predict your due date (LMP). You might alternatively subtract three months from your previous period’s beginning day and add seven days.

Most health care professionals estimate a baby’s due date based on the first day of your LMP. However, keep in mind that this is merely an expected due date, not a deadline for your baby’s arrival. Only 4% of newborns are delivered on their expected due date.

Which Pregnancy Test is More Accurate?

According to the USA hCG Reference Service, the First Response Early Result manual test is the most sensitive over-the-counter pregnancy test. It came out on top in our study and testing. We discovered that it provides a clear result fast and that its ergonomic shape makes the handle simpler to grip onto than similar wands.

Is Pregnancy Possible During Periods? 

The average woman’s menstrual cycle may be 29 days, while others may have a cycle that varies from 20 days to 40 days or more. 

There is almost no chance that a woman will become pregnant 1-2 days after the onset of bleeding. However, although she  is still bleeding, the odds begin to increase day by day. 

Around the 13th day  after the start of menstruation, the chance of getting pregnant is  estimated to be 9%. 

These numbers may be low, but that doesn’t mean you’re 100% sure that a woman won’t get pregnant during her period.

Will the Pregnancy Test be Positive at 2 weeks? 

To test the most accurate results, you should wait  until the week after you miss your period. 

If you don’t want to wait until you miss your period, you should wait  at least a week or two  after sexual intercourse. When you are pregnant, your body needs time to accumulate detectable levels of HCG. This usually takes 7-12 days after  successful implantation of the egg. Running tests early in the cycle can lead to inaccurate results.

I hope this post was helpful for you to know some about the early pregnancy signs… 

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