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Panic Attack while Pregnant is not that easy, it happens too many women during the pregnancy period We are going to give you today 3 tips to help you cover it and pass it safely, You will find in this article the below.
Despite feelings of anxiety and stress being perfectly normal for expectant mothers, panic attacks are no fun – especially when you’re already dealing with the challenges and ups and downs of pregnancy. Here are the symptoms of panic attacks and a few tips to help you kick them to the curb as quickly as possible.
The symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety are the same. However, panic attack symptoms are amplified and happen suddenly. Chances are if you’re hit with intense, overwhelming feelings of anxiety for no obvious reason, you are experiencing a panic attack. Unlike anxiety, which may be a constant problem, a panic attack only lasts for up to ten minutes. Some symptoms of panic attacks include:
Feeling like you are unable to breathe
Shaking, tension or pain in your muscles
Feeling scared that your life may be in danger, or something terrible is going to happen
Racing heartbeat
Double-vision or dizziness
Numbness or tingling sensation in limbs
1. Remember to breathe
When you’re experiencing a panic attack, one of the first things to focus on is your breathing. Inhale slowly and deeply, and exhale completely. It may help clear your mind faster to count to three during each breath. Breathe with your stomach rather than your chest, so that your stomach moves with each and every breath.
2. Focus on positive thoughts
Focusing all of your attention to one positive, happy thought or object helps to ease you out of your panic attack. It can be a memory or fantasy, something in the environment, or even something you’re looking forward to in the future.
By directing all of your attention to one specific idea, your mind will stop racing to every worrisome thought and start to calm down. Keep in mind that everyone is different and you need to find what works for you. For example, while some may choose to listen to soothing music to help them with panic attacks, others may need complete silence in order for the episode to pass.
3. Reassure yourself
During a panic attack, it’s important to remind yourself that you and your baby are going to be okay. Although it may feel like you’re under great physical and mental harm, panic attacks are not dangerous for you or your baby.
Diet and exercise
While it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise throughout your whole life as well as while you’re pregnant, it may also help reduce the risk of panic attacks. It is highly recommended that you avoid stimulants such as alcohol, cigarettes and even caffeine while pregnant. Not only are stimulants bad for your baby, but they can also make anxiety issues and panic attacks all that much worse.
Talk to your doctor
Contact your midwife or doctor and let them know that you are experiencing anxiety or panic attacks. Cognitive therapy is designed to help people replace their negative thoughts with realistic, positive ones. Medication under the supervision of a physician may be necessary for women experiencing panic attacks, because they are more likely to struggle with these issues postpartum.
It is so important to try to remember to relax as much as possible during a panic attack. Focus on the fact that you’ll typically start to feel better in just a matter of minutes. Countless mothers-to-be experience panic attacks. Although these attacks are uncomfortable, rest assured they won’t physically harm you or your baby.
Anxiety during pregnancy is a very common occurrence. Fortunately, there are numerous things you can do to help yourself manage anxiety or prevent it from happening in the first place.
Talk to someone you trust, such as your partner, family, or a friend about how you’re feeling.
Try not to feel guilty and embarrassed- these feelings are not your fault. Acknowledge that being stressed is part of life and all people experience it at some point!
It might also be a good idea for those who feel anxious during their pregnancy to try some of those tips like.
(Specialy Smoking and alchol because both substances could harm them or cause birth defects).
Another thing that may work is learning about relaxation techniques so that such exercises can become second nature for individuals when they start experiencing symptoms of stress again.
Being concerned about whether jealousy affects your baby seems understandable but it can create a vicious circle of thoughts, You might have been worried before even pregnant & then started worrying that this was affecting your unborn child which made the worries worse, Keep focusing on asking for help finding ways to manage any symptoms.
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