Insights into Child Development: What Every New Parent Should Know
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The Internet is a wonderful place for kids to explore, learn and make friends. But it can also be a dangerous place if they aren’t protected from online danger. With so much information available online, parents might not know where to begin in keeping their child safe while still letting them have fun online. Check out these tips and tricks to keep your child safe while they explore the Internet.
One of the first things you can do to protect your child from online dangers is start a conversation about online safety. When kids understand what to look out for, they’re more likely to avoid risky situations online. Expect your child to make mistakes — that’s part of learning what’s appropriate online.
You just want to make sure they have the tools to fix their mistakes when they happen. Start when they’re young, and talk to them throughout their Internet use. If you see your child going to an unsafe site, stop them and make sure they understand why they shouldn’t be there.
You can even set up a computer in a common area of the house, so everyone in the family can have access to it without having to go to their own room.
While talking to your child about online safety is a good start, you also need to have protection in place. Install a reliable Internet filter and monitoring software to make sure your child doesn’t go to unsafe websites.
Use a safe browser that blocks access to all but a few trusted websites, and consider monitoring software to make sure your child isn’t going to sites they don’t need to visit. If you don’t have a computer in your child’s bedroom, you may want to consider setting up a family computer in their room and setting the browser to only allow access to certain sites.
Be sure to watch your child as they use the computer so you know what they’re doing online. If you don’t have time to sit with your child as they use the computer, you might want to consider setting up a computer in a common area of the house so you can keep an eye on what they’re doing. Keep in mind that this isn’t a perfect solution.
If you’re not sitting beside your child as they use the computer, it’s easy for them to circumvent the browser settings.
Many apps claim to protect your child from online dangers, but these apps often aren’t accurate.
Even if they work as advertised, they’re only one part of a larger safety plan. Make sure you have a reliable Internet filter and monitoring software in place to block unsafe websites, and use a safe browser to make sure your child doesn’t accidentally go somewhere they shouldn’t.
Keep your browser up to date, and check for browser updates regularly to make sure you’re getting the latest and greatest version. Make sure to get the versions designed for kids and families, as they’re more likely to have extra features, like automatic updates, built in.
If you’re using an app to block websites, make sure it’s up to date as well. Many apps have new versions every few months with new features, and you may want to update your app to take advantage of these new capabilities.
Many of the apps kids use online have their own social media accounts. These accounts can provide insight into the people behind the app and give you a better idea of what to expect.
You may find that some of the people behind the app have questionable content, or you may find that the app has reliable safety features.
Keep in mind that the app’s social media accounts may not be as safe as the app itself, so you may want to limit your child’s access to these accounts. If your children are old enough, ask them what accounts they use, and take a look at what’s available.
You may want to consider limiting your child’s access to certain accounts, or you may want to talk to your child about their accounts and let them know you’ll be monitoring them. Make sure you understand each account, and not just what your child shows you, but also what they’re posting.
Your child may have a special interest or hobby, but you may not know where to find a trusted website or service for that topic.
If your child is interested in a particular topic or hobby, see if you can find a trusted website or service for that topic. It’s also a good idea to look at the reviews of these websites to make sure they’re safe for your child to use.
If your child is interested in creating content online, make sure you know the rules for websites like YouTube and that you help your child follow those rules so they don’t get banned. Your child may want to join a special interest group online, and you may want to make sure the group is safe for your child before they join.
Kids are often more interested in the games they can play and the videos they can watch online, but they may not like all the ads they see while they play. Install an ad blocker to remove those ads, and make sure you know what websites your child is using so you can make sure they don’t turn on the ad blocker accidentally.
Sometimes, ads are useful, so you may want to make sure your ad blocker only blocks certain types of ads. You also may want to consider using a parental control app that lets you block certain types of ads from being shown to your child.
If your child uses apps like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, you can set up location services to let you know where your child is.
Location services are designed to be used in situations like this, so they’re safe and secure. If your child is out of the area you want them to be in, you’ll get an alert letting you know they may need help. If your child uses an app that doesn’t offer this feature, you can set up a virtual geofence using the location services on your phone.
Make sure you turn on location services for the apps your child uses so you can keep track of them.
Protecting your child from online dangers can be challenging, but it’s an important part of parenting in the modern age. Start by talking to your child about online safety, and make sure you have a reliable Internet filter and monitoring software installed.
Don’t rely on just one app to keep your child safe online — know the apps they use and make sure you have the ability to control what they see. Install an ad blocker to remove unwanted ads, and make sure you know where your child is at all times.
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